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1It was identified as ysbC, but renamed oroP in order to reflect its function.
2Two crosses were marked on the land part-onelabelled "oro" and the other "agua."
3He had besides this the great chair or throne of the Inca, of solid gold, and valued at twenty-five thousand pesos de oro.
4However, I like better the Spanish names, dormidera-thesleepy flower-orcopa de oro-cup of gold, I added as I pinned the flowers to my coat.
5When it was ready they would eat him in honour of Oro.
6You will meet the Lord Oro at the end of your journey.
7On the other side of this was Oro who had no shield.
8The Lord Oro needed me, and those calculations were long and difficult.
9Still I believe that old Oro to be a Prince of Liars.
10Well, I would wake up and be aware that Oro was coming.
11But who would think to find her away over on Del Oro?
12That night in the chill dead hour before the dawn Oro came again.
13Coming through the Canon Del Oro in the night, he ducked.
14With both the omelet and the reed birds serve Vin d'Oro.
15These figures are similar to those occurring on the Pala d'Oro.
16Yet two nights later Oro came again and after the usual preliminaries, said: